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What is the one thing that you need to make your dream life complete? A soul mate with whom you can share years filled with unconditional love and joy. What is often the hardest thing to find? That’s right. A soul mate.

Too often, though, years are spent wasting time looking in the wrong places and often settling for someone out of fear of remaining lonely. Finding your true love may be hard but not impossible. There is that special someone out there waiting for you. That’s the thesis of my guest on this week’s episode of Dream Power Radio. Author and speaker Tom Ziemann spent too much of his own time in a futile search for lasting love, and he shares how he discovered what was holding him back and what led him to the secrets to getting and keeping his own soul mate in his new book Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams: How to Manifest it from Fantasy to Reality. Tom shares with us:
•the steps you need to take before you go on your search
•why falling in love with love is a dangerous thing
•the dream that led him to turn his attitude around
•where to find your true love
•what to do after that first date

If you’re looking for that right person or want advice on how to keep the love alive in your present relationship, you won’t want to miss this enlightening episode of Dream Power Radio.

Tom Ziemann is a motivational speaker and spiritual researcher who delivers engaging, uplifting lectures on Relationships, Life Purpose, Meditation, and Anger Management. Tom has written two other acclaimed books: The Department of Zenitation: A Laymen's Guide to Making Spirituality Work in Real Life and Taming the Anger Dragon: From PISSED OFF to Peaceful. He is the proud father of two brilliant daughters, married to his best friend, and is a loving Cat Daddy for their ten cats. Contact: https://www.facebook.com/tom.ziemann

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