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We all like to think of our dreams as being these big epic stories that are full of rich detail and important symbolic imagery. But not all dreams are like that. Some are like short stories, a few images that flit by in an instant. Some are simply a solitary picture, a color, a sound or even a word.
These brief dreams are called snippets and on today’s episode I take a deep dive into exploring these images. Just because a dream snippet is small doesn’t mean that it’s meaningless. In fact, the snippet can pack a punch as large as its longer, grander cousins. In this episode I:
•explain how I came to understand the meaning of dream snippets
•talk about the tiniest dream that literally changed my life
•use examples of dream snippets to show how you can find meaning in your short dreams
•go over a technique that can help you remember your dream snippets.
There’s no such thing as a dream that can’t provide
some meaningful insights. So if you thought those fleeting images were not worth remembering, you might be singing a different tune after this informative episode of Dream Power Radio.
If you want more information on how to understand your own dream snippets, check out my website at www.thedreamcoach.net and sign up for your complementary Dream Discovery Session.

Get a 30-minute complementary Dream Discovery Session with me by signing up at my website: thedreamcoach.net

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And if you want more ways to find joy in your life, check out my website thedreamcoach.net for information about my courses, blogs, books and ways to create a life you love.