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     We all know that dreams have the power to transform our lives when we pay attention to them. Usually I’m referring to the dreams we have at night, but this also holds true for our daytime dreams. Now just imagine what can happen when we combine both daytime and nighttime dreams into our existence.

     My guest, Spiritual Counselor and Dreamworker Dr. Royce Fitts, had the chance to do this when he embarked on a journey of self-discovery by walking the Ridgeway Trail in England. He captured what he learned about himself in his book The Geography of Soul: Dreams, Reality and the Journey of a Lifetime. On this episode he shares his insights which can help anyone seeking a journey of personal transformation, including:

·      How to use dreams as a tool for personal growth

·      How the word he uses to describe his journey fit perfectly with his desired outcome

·      How nature helps us go within

·      What happens when we face our shadows

·      Why going it alone is sometimes the best answer

·      The role of curiosity

·      How a recurring dream can help us navigate through life

    Most of us probably won’t hike a 100-mile trail like Dr. Fitts did, but if you want travel vicariously with him to find out what it’s like and what it can teach you, don’t miss this enlightening episode of Dream Power Radio.

This is what Royce has to say about his work:

     I’m Royce Fitts, a Spiritual Counselor and Dream Worker with decades of experience as a clinical psychotherapist. I understand this beautiful tension that exists at the heart of a healer’s life. 

     Some of the hardest, most enriching and loving work we will ever do is to try, in the face of it all, to create meaning, beauty and healing in our personal lives and in the life of the larger world.     This is our calling.

     Open-hearted Spiritual Counseling and Dreamwork will unlock our greatest allies and deepest resources. This is about discovering and learning to express your heart’s deepest values. Although I am an ordained minister, my process is not about dogma, rigid religion and rules, nor shame-based god-talk.

If invited, I am honored to walk along your side as we explore your path and work toward your healing. Spiritual Counseling and Dreamwork is about deep, honest soul-searching for you to become your most authentic, healthy self. This is for you, your loved ones and for our beautiful, wounded world, for us to be “a light unto our courageous path.”

Website: https://www.roycefitts.com/




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