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There are regular dreams and then there are lucid dreams. These are the dreams in which you know you are dreaming while you’re dreaming and you have the ability to determine what happens inside those dreams. We explore all aspects of lucid dreaming with Robert Waggoner, a lucid dreaming expert who’s had over a thousand lucid dreams!

Robert Waggoner is the author of the acclaimed book, Lucid Dreaming - Gateway to the Inner Self, and the award winning book, Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple, co-authored with Caroline McCready. His books have been translated into other languages such as French, German, Chinese, Korean, Czech and Finnish. A lucid dreamer since 1975, he created a simple technique to become consciously aware within the dream. A former president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, Robert has given presentations internationally at universities, conferences and workshops. He offers 30 day online workshops twice a year at www.GlideWing.com .

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