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Every time I think there’s nothing more I can learn about dreams, I get reminded of the miracles they bring us. Each dream is its own universe unto itself and brings up hidden knowledge we keep buried within ourselves. Our dreams offer us keen insights, solutions to problems and a pathway to continued personal growth.
My guest on this episode of Dream Power Radio, Patricia Eltinge, says, “All dreams wish us well.” She has dedicated her life to teaching these truths to others through her dream-training workshops, consulting practice and her book The Dream Class. Patricia shares with us:
•a different way to look at nightmares
•how to identify masculine and feminine symbols in dreams and what they mean
•what dreams tell us about unfinished business
•why colors mean different things to different people
•explaining the hierarchy of dreams
If you want to deepen your dream practice, you won’t want to miss this visionary episode of Dream Power Radio.
Patricia Eltinge is an author, dream analyst, and a Transactional Analyst. Patricia is a long-time leader of dream training workshops, as well as the personal dream consultant to business leaders and celebrities worldwide, and ordinary folk. Using dream work to help herself overcome childhood trauma, Patricia provides personal life guidance growth and transformation to others through her unique gift of dream interpretation. Patricia lives in Juno Beach, FL and is also a holistic health expert and a medical advocate. Website: www.TheDreamClass.com

Get a complementary 30-minute Dream Discovery Session with me by scheduling time here: https://calendly.com/thedreamcoach53/interview-pre-call

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