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Many of us think nothing of having a drink of wine or a mojito after work. Whether it’s to relax or to fit in socially, we take that glass in hand so casually we don’t take into consideration what its long term effects may be. Yet alcohol can creep up on us until one day some of us can wake up in the rabbit hole of addiction and all of its consequences.

When is one drink, one drink too many? That’s the focus of this episode of Dream Power Radio, with my guest, Lisa Boucher, author of the book Raising the Bottom: Making Mindful Choices in a Drinking Culture. As a former alcoholic, she knows firsthand the consequences of drinking and has assisted hundreds with their own healing from substance abuse. She talks with me about:
• Why the stereotypical profile of an alcoholic is misleading
• How to tell if you have an addiction
• Why people slip into addiction
• How alcohol robs us of our dreams
• How to get clean and stay sober

Don’t miss this powerful episode of Dream Power Radio.


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