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Looks are deceiving. That man walking down the street in a designer suit may be out of work and on his way to a job interview he desperately needs. That perfect looking couple at the party might be on the verge of divorce. The woman driving that fancy car might be two months late on her payments.
The same could have been said for my guest on this episode, podcaster and coach Kevin Palmieri. In his 20’s he had all the trappings of success—good car, job, girlfriend, money in the bank. But after his girlfriend left him, he was forced to take a hard look at himself and realized he wasn’t the person he thought he was. Kevin had his rock bottom, a moment when he considered suicide, until he looked deep within himself and rediscovered his purpose. His mission is now to make sure that no one needs to go through what he went through, and as he tells us in this episode:
•why he believes today’s failures are tomorrow’s lessons
•what we all need to ‘unlearn’ about life
•how making sense of your past paves the way for your future
•how to use your pain to find your purpose
•the hard questions you must ask yourself
•the three ‘C’s that help you get to the next level
•why taking too much action can defeat your purpose
If you’re ready to take the journey to get to your next level, take a listen to this inspiring episode of Dream Power Radio.
Kevin Palmieri is the CFO, Founder & Co-Host of Next Level University, a Global Top 100 Self-Improvement podcast with more than 900 episodes reaching over half a million people in more than 120 countries.
He has studied personal development every single day since he had moment where he thought about taking his life. After his rock bottom moment, he went all in on self-improvement. He was determined to overcome his anxiety, to overcome his depression. He was determined to live his dream life. He focused on learning what he didn't know (and unlearning a lot too) and his life started to shift.
Years later, he now hosts a podcast with hundreds of thousands of downloads in over a hundred countries. He’s grown the podcast into a multi six-figure business and recorded over 900 episodes. He’s given nearly 150 speeches and had the opportunity to do hundreds of coaching calls.
Kevin believes in a heart driven, but no BS approach to holistic self-improvement and teaching others how to get to the next level of their lives! Website: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com

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