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As dreamworkers we’re often faced with helping people deal with the serious dreams that can often literally keep them up at night. Seldom do we focus on those dreams that we find silly or make us laugh or simply put a smile on our faces.
That’s a mistake as there’s as much gold to mine from happy dreams as there is from nightmares or those epic dreams that could fill a book. I discuss how to do this and where it can lead with dreamworker Katherine Bell. During this lively discussion, Katherine tells us:
•the wisdom that lies in happy dreams
•how to understand what our dreams are telling us
•why it’s not necessary to “interpret” dreams
•what she means by experiential dreamwork
If you need further proof why dreams are worth
you’ll find that and much much more on this informative episode of Dream Power Radio.
Katherine Bell is a dreamwork practitioner and the founder of Experiential Dreamwork. Her life has been deepened and enriched through her personal dreamwork, and she is passionate about helping you become more truly you by tuning into the gifts that your nightly dreams offer. She has facilitated Dream Groups for over 20 years and has been a Dream Coach for 8. She currently hosts weekly Zoom workshops on various dream topics. Katherine is the host and creator of the podcast "The Dream Journal", which originates as a weekly community radio show featuring interviews with dream experts and live call-ins to spread information about the power of our nightly dreams. She lives in the Bonny Doon mountains near Santa Cruz, California. Find her at ExperientialDreamwork.com

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