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We humans are a remarkable species. We have the ability to create whatever we want whenever we want, using all the tools we have within ourselves. People who understand this seem as if they make miracles at the drop of a hat. They find joy in the most unlikely places, pull triumphs out of the depths of defeat and even sometimes heal illnesses that seemed hopeless.

Another trait of these people is that they want others to learn that these characteristics are not limited to a select few. Everyone has the ability to be a superhuman, if they want to be. How? That’s the topic of this week’s episode of Dream Power Radio where I interview energy healer Kate Yurenda. Kate is a Law of Attraction and Qi gong expert who tells us:
•how to get over the feeling of ‘not being worthy’
•how to use movement to raise your energy level
•what it means to be a ‘conscious creator’
•why Law of Attraction often fails and how to avoid these pitfalls

Now is the time to take action to make the most of your life. Learn some valuable tips on this riveting episode of Dream Power Radio.

Kate Yurenda is the founder of Dream Bold Network, a team of people that are dedicated to uniting our world through film production, ancient practices, energy cultivation, interviewing experts, artistic expression, relationship advice, intentional magnetism—and dancing! Kate is also the author of several books, including Spiritual Foreplay and Good Guy, Great Game and the producer of the new film Searching For Superhumans. Website: http://www.dreamboldnetwork.com/

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