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The modern woman is all about movement. Rushing here and there to take care of business duties and home life. Going off to the gym to exercise or run around trails or through trails to burn off steam after a heavy week of work.

     This movement may take care of our physical needs, but does it help us in other areas of our life, such as satisfying our emotional and spiritual needs? Sadly, this might not be the case, but by focusing on other areas of movement we can achieve much needed peace in our lives. On this episode of Dream Power Radio, we discuss this with Career and Life Coach and Movement Expert Christine Gautreaux. Through her work with Interplay she helps women really connect with their bodies, by using play and other techniques that help them find their true voices. Christine tells us how we can work to achieve our own inner wellness and explains:

·      The connection between play and self-growth

·      What connection has to do with inner peace

·      What happened when she realized she was “3 steps behind her body”

·      How to return to the magic of your childhood

·      The stories that can help you heal

·      Why it’s important to be witnessed

·      When it’s okay to brag

·      The good things that happen when you focus on your movements

·      Why we resist the things that bring us joy

·      How to fill your emotional bucket when you only have 5 minutes to spare

     If you find yourself ‘sleepwalking through life’ and are seeking more, don’t miss this uplifting episode of Dream Power Radio.


     Christine Gautreaux, MFW, is dedicated to the pursuit of play, joy art and social justice. Her superpowers include connecting people, helping folks manifest their dreams, standing up against injustice and using art to make a difference in the world. She currently uses performance art, movement, poetry, storytelling and Interplay to address issues of oppression with women who are incarcerated, people living with severe and persistent mental illness and homelessness. She also works with activists and artists to maintain balance and self-care during these intense times in which we find ourselves living.

     Christine has professional experience with career and life coaching, successful grant writing, racial justice education, community organizing and social media marketing. Her coaching clients include entrepreneurs, corporate employees, authors, celebrity chefs and ore. She uses fun and life-changing tools to lead people to movement, silence, finding their voices and telling their unique stories.

     She is the co-author of Stillpoint: A Caregivers Playbook and Women Connected in Wisdom: Stories and Resources Rooted in the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.

     Christine provides playshops across the country to facilitate private and professional caregivers’ wellness. She also leads women’s retreats.

     Christine and her co-host, Shannon Mitchell, have a weekly podcast, Women Connected in Wisdom, that is grounded in the 8 dimensions of wellness and focuses on intentional conversations about how to be fell in life, business and relationships.

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