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I grew up knowing that my given name, Debra, means bee in Hebrew. I never really thought much about how it or how it may apply to me…that is, until I met Debby Krusz.
Besides having the same first name (albeit with different spellings!) Debby really took her name to heart. She delved further and discovered that not only did it translate to bee, but that some also see the name meaning “bee seeker”. Because of this realization she now calls herself the “Dream Pollinator”, helping her clients fertilize their own dreams and become the people they were meant to be. Debby talks about how she does this and tells us:
•How she helps her clients find clarity
•Why she writes novels
•What happens to you when you live your true self
•How she works with nighttime dreams
•How to combat ‘dream crushing’
•Why it’s good to put a fresh coat of paint on yourself
•How she helps companies from crushing their own dreams
If you’re looking for insights on how to follow your dreams, you won’t want to miss this eye-opening episode of Dream Power Radio.
Here is Debby’s story, in her own words:
After being Dream Crushed by Corporate America, I listened to the voice within that said "Leave this place and start writing!" I am Debby Krusz also known as Kruszewski. I am the published Author of Soul Meets Body, Precious and Fragile Things and Live to Tell. My fourth novel, Date with Kate, is in process. All my novels are about following your heart. In addition to my novels, I have an Inspirational Blog.
I am a Certified Dream Manager Coach and Business Consultant.
I am a survivor of crushed Dreams and an expert in Dream rescue. If your Dream is a long-buried seed or a squashed bud, I’m here to help you replant it, nurture it, and bring it to full bloom!
My program is ideal for employers who want to make an investment in their employees by making them the most successful version of themselves. Your employee morale will rise, productivity will increase, and turnover will decrease as a result of this dream pollination. My program is a great fit for businesses of any size.
I am building my business and brand, helping others listen to their heart and pursue their dreams.
Website: https://debbykrusz.com

Get a free download of one of Debby's books at https://debbykrusz.com/books

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