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Breathing is usually defined as a way for our bodies to get air into our lungs to bring oxygen into our circulatory systems. But you know if that was all there was to it, I wouldn’t make it a subject of one of my programs. That’s because deep breathing, or what’s known as breathwork, does so much more.
The benefits of breathwork have been known since ancient times, and are central to such practices as yoga and meditation. But breathwork alone has positive benefits and I talk about that with Conscious Performance Coach Chris Plourde, who teaches breathwork to individuals and companies. In this lively conversation, Chris explains:
•what gets “unlocked” during breathwork
•its relationship to dreaming
•how long it takes to get results
•how it reveals personal triggers
•the surprising people who practice breathwork
•why it can be a mystical experience
•the transformations that happen in group settings
If you were not aware that breathing is about more than just staying alive, you’ll want to check out the eye-opening information revealed in this episode of Dream Power Radio.
A bit about Chris Plourde in his own words:
If there is one thing I’ve learned in my 20+ years of coaching, it’s that the journey to your most authentic, fulfilled, and happy self begins from the inside out. The process of falling in love with the journey of self-discovery means embracing your unique story so that you have clarity on where you have been and where you are meant to be.
I am a coach, a businessman, a father, and a husband. I have worked with top athletes and well-known companies, celebrities, moms/dads, and even military special ops. As a Former Master Trainer and Presenter, I created and presented content both nationally and internationally, on the mental and physical aspects of training for peak performance in all areas of life. As a former Chief Executive with Men’s Teams and Organizations, I mentored many men to find their authentic self and create leadership qualities which they could bring to their families, communities and businesses.
I want to help you gain clarity, establish personal performance habits, create balance and unleash your true potential in all areas of your life. While the needs of every type of person may vary, the core concept is the same. The way you approach one thing in life is the way you approach everything in life.
Learn how Conscious Performance Coaching can help you perform as your very best self and be truly happy in the process. Website: https://www.chrisplourde.com/

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