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If you’re a parent, you’ve had those days when nothing goes right: your child refuses to listen, throws a tantrum or decides wearing her food is more fun than eating it. Then there are those days that bring a tear to your eye: your child hugs a classmate in distress, tells you he loves you or successfully completes a task for the first time.

How to have more of those happier moments is the focus of this episode of Dream Power Radio. Caron Goode has seen all kinds of child behavior from the good to the bad to the “I can’t believe that actually happened.” Through her years as a licensed psychotherapist and the founder and managing director of the Academy for Coaching Parents, she’s developed her own philosophy on how parents can teach their children to be their best selves. Among other concepts, she shares her thoughts on child rearing and important role the child’s personality and temperament plays in successful parenting.

Caron is also the author of numerous books on parenting, including Raising Intuitive Children, Kids Who See Ghosts and Nurture Your Child’s Gift.

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