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Dreams never fail to surprise me. Case in point. I’ve read about and talked about all aspects of dreamwork: nightmares, precognitive dreams, healing dreams, lucid dreaming and the like. But I’d never before heard of my guest this week, Carol Oschmann’s unique gift: Dreaming for other people.

That’s right. Carol takes the concerns of people, dreams about them and carries the messages she receives back to those people. And her dreams are right on the mark. Over 300 people can attest for her insights giving them exactly what they needed to hear.

How does she do it? Carol takes us through her process and reveals:
•How she discovered she had this special gift
•What happened the first time she dreamed for another person.
•The dream she had that prevented a suicide
•The lasting effect of these dreams on her clients…and on her.
•Why she believes God speaks directly to us in our dreams.

Don’t miss this inspirational and enlightening episode of Dream Power Radio.

Carol Oschmann began her dream odyssey at age 45, maintaining that her dreams helped cure her of Rheumatoid Arthritis and depression. Shortly after that she began to dream for other people. She now lectures around the world, writes for several magazines and has written several books. One of her books, Prison Dreams, won the National Pen Women’s Book of the Year award. Contact: https://www.facebook.com/dreaminterpretationandmuchmuchmore

Get a complementary 30-minute Dream Discovery Session with me by signing up at my website: thedreamcoach.net

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