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Brad Pollak – How to land your dream job

It’s got to be one of the most stressful acts we can go through. I’m talking about the job interview. We want to put out our best effort, to make us desirable to a prospective employer. But how do we act? What do we say? How do we make them realize we’re the best candidate for them?
Whether you’re looking to move up to a new position or if you’re re-entering the job market for the first time in years, there are strategies that have been proven beneficial for everyone. We explore how you can create your ticket to success with Career Development Coach, Brad Pollak, who tells us:
•tips for an effective elevator pitch
•understanding the skills you have that you might not realize you have
•the one thing all employers are seeking
•why defining your ‘inner core’ matters
•what to say to a prospective employers to get their attention
The job market is the hottest it’s been in years. It’s time for you to dust off that resume and go after that job you’ve always wanted. Listen to this powerful episode of Dream Power Radio to get the jumpstart that will help you land that job.
Brad Pollak is a Career Development Coach, specializing in teaching college students how to tell their story and interview well during their job search. He is also the Director of the Long Beach Small Business Development Center. Brad specializes in business start-ups, leadership, management, marketing strategies, and business planning. He holds a BA from Cornell University and lives with his family in Long Beach, California. His favorite movies are "Young Frankenstein," "Lawrence of Arabia," and "The Godfather." Website: www.bradpollak.com

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