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One of the traits of being a human is that we all make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. And yet, somehow, we often feel there’s something wrong with us if we don’t live the perfect lives we see depicted online and in the media. These often bring up feelings of worthlessness, inadequacity, loss of self-esteem and other negative emotions we’d rather not experience.
     There are ways to deal with these feelings that can lead to positive change. We discuss these with author Ally Dalsimer, whose book It’s Okay Not to Be Fabulous Every Day addresses these issues head on. In our lively talk, Ally shares some soul-stirring wisdom, including:

·      the right way to embrace imperfection

·      tips on how to tackle overwhelm

·      why it might be necessary and healthy to redefine success

·      dealing with conficting inner voices

·      a transformational way of looking at regret

·      an important power you can access from within

    If you’re looking for new ways to achieve self-acceptance, don’t miss this important episode of Dream Power Radio.
     Ally Dalsimer is a published author, former political candidate, experienced life coach, and award-winning environmental expert. Her highly acclaimed book It’s Okay Not to Be Fabulous Every Day! leads the reader on an inspirational journey from sadness and self-recrimination through discovering hope and self-acceptance to achieving one’s destiny and finding self-love.
     Ally began her professional career as a project assistant at the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and worked her way up to serve as the Defense Department’s Natural Resources Program Manager, where she was responsible for management, oversight, and advocacy for the Department’s 25 million acres of land.
     Highlights for Ally’s accomplishments during her three decades environmental career include:
- Helped develop, launch, and manage several national and international conservation efforts including, Partners in Flight (birds) and the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign.
- Served on the Obama Administration’s Climate Task Force, and helped write the President’s Climate Action Plan.
     Ally won multiple awards, including:
- National DoD Partners in Flight award for Outstanding Contribution to the Conservation of Neotropical Migratory Bird Habitat.
- U.S. Air Force Award for Outstanding Contribution to USAF Conservation Programs.
- National Partnership for Reinventing Government “Hammer” Award.
     Ally has authored or co-authored more than 50 articles, technical reports, proceedings, brochures, and now a book! It’s Okay Not to Be Fabulous Every Day! is available in multiple formats at https://books2read.com/OKNotToBeFabulous 
     Her new book will be available Spring 2024!
     Ally has undergraduate degrees in English and Psychology from the University of Richmond, and a Master’s in Public Policy with Environmental Law and Economics Track from Georgetown University. She lives in Virginia with her rescue cat Pooma.
    To connect or sign up for her bi-weekly newsletter, visit:

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