Anthony Trucks is the face of overcoming adversities. At age three, he was put into a foster care system where he was abused, beaten, felt adrift, listless, and worthless. He just spends the day focusing on surviving. At the age of 14, he was adopted by an all-white poor family. Somewhere between being in foster care and being adopted, he overcame many challenges. He became a self-aware kid, he set goals, faced a wall then overcame it. That satisfaction became even evident when he reached his goal of making it into the varsity football team.


He often hears other kids’ remarks that because he was in foster care, that is why is no good in anything. He rolled his sleeves up and worked really hard to have the body built and the skills needed to make it to the varsity team. Due to unwavering determination, he was offered a full-ride scholarship to the University of Oregon, and the ultimate goal of going pro in the NFL. He had a wonderful family at this time, and he was feeling he had it all including a bright future. Little that he knows that more adversities are yet to come. Within a two-month period, I went from having it all in the NFL to being a personal trainer at my local gym to support my family. Due to his busy schedule, his marriage fell apart, and his kids missed him always. He then went again to the feeling of being miserable and a failure.


His discovery of someone who drew inspiration from his life was what gave him the push to go forward. That’s where his purpose shifted. He wanted to be happy, so he knew he needed to give out more. People wanted him to teach them how he does what he does. That’s where his coaching career started and his ultimate upgrade. He discovered that success only happens when who you are to your core, your identity, aligns with your life’s vision. That there’s more to just shifting your mindset. In this podcast, he shares about his life’s downsides, his upsides, and his identity shifts. He then started consulting and winning the personal development world.


Here’s What You Missed


Anthony’s early life and failures

What really is success and how it’s measured

What is Identity Shift? And it is vital to success?

What’s the difference between mindset shift and identity shift

What’s the key to greatness?

What are the four kinds of level and structures of people?


Knowledge Nuggets


[3:55] Everybody can attest to some point in life, not feeling like they mattered or not feel like they fit in or dealing with the reactive shifts.


[4:24] There's been multiple studies, especially on entrepreneurs that found that in mindset you can have all the tactics and tools and strategies. But if you do not self identify or self categorize or have an identity of the entrepreneur, then that mindset holds no ground.


[7:44] To your root, that it's who you want to do this thing, 1. It becomes easier and takes less willpower. But mostly we're so deathly afraid of step one, they never reached it for.


[9:23] Success is not what you get in the end. Success is who you have to or who you have to become to achieve it.


[10:45] If you want to do that thing, eventually, if you give up on doing it to watch everybody else live your dream.


[16:45] Get up every day and I'm trying to make my goals happen, to reach something based on how I feel each day, then I will never reach it. I call it, kicking the ball out and I run up to it.And so there's days when I wake up, but I do not feel like doing things, but it's not like I don't, I can't. It's in my calendar, which means it has to get done.


[17:52] And when it's who you are, it's less of a burden, more of a feels weird, if I don't. So it doesn't take willpower. I just kept stepping up to the plate and minimizing the pain of it. And eventually in doing so the thing became easy. It became joyful.


[21:50] You're not trying to achieve the achievement for the achievement. You're trying to achieve the achievement of the transformation of who you become when it's done, because who you are can do that again and again, and again, and the next time it gets easier.


[25:45] It's not that I'm some magical human man that the work that I've I'm now teaching is work that I lived and I went back and said, all right. I know it's worked. It's worked for me. I see it work for clients


[26:08] Mindset is a byproduct of having a good identity, like the ideal identity.


[31:06] But a lot of the progression was nothing more than what you heard. It was me showing up and doing the work, getting opportunities and being prepared from when they came. The information people don't realize that is most important. It's not what somebody gives you in the book. It's what you learn in the book. It's the information you get while applying what you learned in the book.


[34:57] I don't go to the emotions. I go to the fact that I know that my logical brain in that emotional space, not the present space knew that this had to be done.


[38:24] We take breaks when we don't need to take breaks because we haven't done anything yet.


[41:33] People's kind of levels and structures and the tiers to it


[48:55] Own your shift. There's nothing wrong with admitting. But if you keep lying to yourself or if you just keep accepting this limitation and you sell yourself on it, you'll get to keep that. So own the fact that you got something to work on it's your duty to fix it. It may not be your fault, but your responsibility.


Important Reads and Links


The E-Myth by Michael Gerber


Anthony Trucks Website:                                      

Anthony Trucks Instagram:                                     

Anthony Trucks Twitter:                            

Anthony Trucks LinkedIn:                        

Anthony Trucks YouTube:                 


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