Brian Bogert, our podcast guest for today, shares his painful accident back when he was a 7-year old kid. But it is this early experience of physical pain that molded his core values today. So after a shopping trip, he and his brother and mother were going back to their parked car when a truck was running 40 miles an hour across the parking lot, right at them. The car ran over the little Brian, tore his spleen, and completely severed his left arm from his body. Luckily a woman was right there at the perfect time to help him stop the bleeding and put ice on his severed arm. Then, it took a lot of intentionality and awareness by their physician to start his arm’s reconstruction process.


Fast forward to today, even if he has some minor arm and fingers functionalities that he can not use, he’s full arm is reconstructed. But the best thing that he got out of this his the core value that drives how he lives his life: “Embrace the pain, avoid suffering”. How do we exactly do that? He says, that the more discomfort we put ourselves in, not just for the sake of it, but for the purpose of growth and an intentional path forward, we become more aware, more intentional, and more of who we already are. In this episode, he shares a more specific example of why you should also embrace this philosophy and how this will ultimately give you the freedom we all desire. Not only that, Casanova and Brian talked about various topics about personal and career life, dropping major bombs of wisdom that you should take note and decipher. If you are a leader, business owner, or an aspiring one, definitely take heed as they are touching on critical points for a lot of leaders should understand.


A few years back, Brian got diagnosed with a rare and extreme case of growth, hormone deficiency that rattled his energy and mental acuity. Around this time that he, once again, had to embrace the pain. This time, he was thinking about how can he really live his life’s purpose and serve others. He had to embrace the pain again. The pain of walking away from the comforts, from a running, well-established business, from a high-income business, to avoid the suffering of not ever knowing what impact he could possibly have on other people. For five years now, he has been helping others blaze their own successful paths. Look out for the free resource he is announcing on the show!


Here’s What You Missed


Brain’s accident which shaped his life core values

How to become intentional with your life decisions

How embracing pain lets you avoid suffering and gain freedom

How to pivot business hurdles to advantagse

What are the qualities of a good leader

How do you hire and retain excellent people for your team

Understand the role shame plays in you life


Knowledge Nuggets


[4:33] We've got to be aware of the lessons that we can extract from our story and then become intentional with how do we apply those in our lives.


[4:58] Don't get stuck by what had happened to you, but get moved by what you could do with it. "Once I had my life, everything else really was just details. "


[6:59] "I learned to embrace pain to avoid suffering, and ultimately that leads to gaining freedom.


[9:39] "Literally in every scenario, every interaction, no matter where I show up, I determine if and how I can help the person that I'm dealing with. If we all reach out a helping hand, that's filled with love, encouragement perspective, we all rise.”


[13:11] For parents: "It was just always teaching us the value of a dollar and the value of time and the value of what we can offer the world.


[16:57] What might've seemed like a bigger hurdle, we turned into it and pivoted. We made it actually as a superpower of ours.


[20:37] On hiring and retaining top talents: "We just overly communicated the the model, the flexibility, the autonomy, and the resources that would make their lives easier and fulfill what they were trying to do on a professional standpoint.


[26:27] As being the leader: "The trust has to start with you first. I'd take the fall. I'd let them get the credit. And again, it set up a structure of trust on all levels for our teams"


[27:36] The only thing I can't create more of this world is time.


[28:54] "The world tells us to reduce eliminate or avoid pain, right? And I'm telling you, the world is wrong. We need to learn to embrace it for our benefit."


[33:12] Regret minimization theory. I had to embrace the pain of walking away from all of that to avoid the suffering of not ever knowing what impact I could have on the world and who I could actually become. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


[37:26] In understanding the role shame played in his life: "I couldn't take another big leap because I was comfortable and I fell into the seduction of success. So I needed to put myself in a position of discomfort again, to see tremendous growth in my life."


[43:53] I believe, I will find different moments of fulfillment through my life. But there is no final destination. And the day that I wake up and I don't have something more that I want to give to the world, there's something more I need to learn and grow myself. That's might as well be the last day of my life. So I'm fulfilled, but I'm seeking further fulfillment.”


[45:59] The only difference between who you are today and who you'll be five years from now is in the people that you meet and the books that you read.


[50:09] "There is no limit to what one can accomplish as long as they care not who gets the credit".  There is nothing that any individual will ever do. That's major on this planet. It takes people collective effort, collective wisdom, collective learning. And if you don't care who gets the credit. You can come together and do phenomenal things.


[52:32] Our actions are what demonstrates who we are to the world. Take a step back and get really, really clear on who you are. And what's important to you. Purpose literally overtakes pain.


Important Reads and Links


Brian Bogert FREE resorce:                      

Brian Bogert website:                               

Brian Bogert Instagram:                            

Brian Bogert Twitter:                                


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