As an entrepreneur, you are eventually going to get to a point where you start thinking about hiring a first employee. And, if you are like most entrepreneurs that don’t have the experience building a team, you may be putting it off.

Spoiler alert: Stop putting it off!

Today on the Dream Life is Real Life podcast, I am going to talk to you about hiring a first employee and why it is NOT an expense but an OPPORTUNITY.

Are you still thinking the old school way when it comes to hiring an employee? That you need to have everything figured out. All your ducks in a row. A cubicle ready to be filled. Then you hire someone to sit in that cubicle and work for you.

That’s not the kind of thinking that’s going to help scale your business in 2021.

You’re not simply hiring to get a job done. You are building a team that is going to bring new energies in, capitalize on momentum, and free up your time so you could focus more on income generating activities.

Hiring is a MASSIVE ROI if you approach it the right way.

So how do you do that?

I’ll talk you through it.

I’m also going to give you 3 steps to get your hiring process started today.

Ready? Let’s start scaling your business in 2021.


Hanna Hermanson, Certified Coach, International Speaker, Author, & Founder of Dream Life is Real Life Copywriting Agency, who has helped 100s of coaches build, scale, and enjoy their online businesses– essentially make their dream life their real life!

You can find out more about Hanna at and connect with her on Instagram @hannahermanson_

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