Are you an achiever running on empty? Spinning your wheels with a job search that’s unsustainable AND anxiety inducing? Is it me or this part time job? Why am I not coping? No matter how good a role/business looks like on paper, it may not be the best-fit for you or your family. Katie had…

Are you an achiever running on empty?

Spinning your wheels with a job search that’s unsustainable AND anxiety inducing?

Is it me or this part time job? Why am I not coping?

No matter how good a role/business looks like on paper, it may not be the best-fit for you or your family.

Katie had previously navigated a successful career change and wondered why she was so stuck when doing it for a second time.

She found it hugely reassuring to hear that it’s difficult to navigate a career change when you have more than one interest (a ‘multi‑passionate’!).

She also realised that it’s OK if you can’t figure this out on your own. In fact, it’s normal.

I help multi-passionates to figure out this conundrum:

“What will I do next work wise that is meaningful, plays to my strengths and meets my lifestyle needs?”

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Listen to this episode to find out what blew Katie away and transformed her mood from anxious to inspired.

I recommend listening to the whole interview, as there’s so much in it. But here are some key points you can jump straight into:

1.44  - Why working in a law firm didn’t feel right
3.10 - How Katie moved from a law firm into publishing
5.00 - The fascinating role of a commissioning editor
10.43 - 15 years in the one workplace. Her rising fear that she might never leave.
Plus questions like, “Why am I not coping? Is it me or the role?”
The tipping point for Katie to resign: “If I stay any longer, I may not leave well.”
17:00 Choosing to resign and what life was like on the other side. How not having a framework meant that Katie had time, but felt anxious and miserable
20:00  Reflecting on resigning, being honest about the reasons, and the wave of support for her choice to be at home and not work for a period of time
30.00 How Katie regained some control through figuring out, “What’s next?”
31.10 How she got inspired and felt relief
33.00 How your dream life does not need to be separate from your work life.

What we discovered in our first session working together and Katie’s mini‑experiments. Plus, how the power of mini-experiments blew her away, gave her a deep sense of joy and transformed her mood from anxious to inspired.

We spend @ 1/3 of our lives at work. Are you happy doing what you're doing?

Speak soon,


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