I would say 1 in 2 of my clients work for, or have worked for, a boss with narcissistic traits and in some cases a fully expressed narcissist. That means there’s around a 50% chance that you have worked for one, or have one in your personal life. Interestingly, I am often the one pointing…

I would say 1 in 2 of my clients work for, or have worked for, a boss with narcissistic traits and in some cases a fully expressed narcissist. That means there’s around a 50% chance that you have worked for one, or have one in your personal life.

Interestingly, I am often the one pointing out the connection between the behaviour and the possible diagnosis. It’s harder to recognise when we’re in the scenario.

Behaviours you may observe that can indicate possible narcissistic traits in an individual include:

They need to be right
Ideas need to be theirs
They respond poorly to any feedback
They can change tack and create chaos on their timeline.

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Before this interview with Claire Richardson, I knew of 1 or 2 strategies to manage or work with a person with narcissist traits. I now know many more.

Here are some highlights you can jump to:

How do you recognise a narcissist? 2:21

How Claire managed working with a narcissist 7:10

Strategies for working with a narcissist: 10:21

Protect yourself so that you are less of a target
Fostering allies
How to talk to your boss
When to detach
What to do if you can’t give feedback or criticism
How to effectively give them a compliment
Double check advice
Get mad on behalf of the narcissist = a surprising benefit
Does empathy work or not?
The top thing not to do.

5 longer term options: 24:20

  • Stay and suck it up

  • Recover the relationship

  • Move within the organisation

  • Leave without burning bridges

  • Take the f*cker down!

Outcomes for people who took the legal route: 33:03

Where to follow Claire and get info about her book: 36:48


Get in touch with Claire at www.clairerwriter.com

Sign-up for her fabulous book, Dealing with your f*ckwhit boss, at www.clairerwriter.com/fwb/

Speak soon,


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