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This week we're releasing the first of three episodes we made with new friends from our trip to LA last month. In this episode, we sat down with Documentary Filmmakers Colin Rosenblum and Samir Chaudry and discussed the origin of their collaborative efforts and what life looks like after The Lacrosse Network. We also took your questions about everything from ending friendships to tying the ribbon on a lie.

Before the plug, I want to say thank you to Colin & Samir for taking time out of their busy schedule to do our silly show. These guys are seriously really cool so be sure to check out their channel below. If for nothing else to see how fucking white their teeth are. I'm going to link the starter video we suggested near the end of the episode, it tells their story and introduces you to their style of filmmaking. Do me a favor and give it a watch:

The Story of Colin and Samir:

The Boys:

Morgan Cahill- Twitter:@DBDMorgan - Email: [email protected]

Rylee Mcnemar- Twitter:@Chowbox87 - Email: [email protected]

This is a Drive By Dogs Podcast. For more of us, visit