Hello listeners! Dragon’s Demize is back to our old habits with a good old-fashioned review. This time, we’re reviewing Xia: Legends of a Drift System, and its expansion Embers of a Forsaken Star. Both games really live up to their space opera-inspired names. Xia is best described as a 3x game: Explore, Exploit, Exterminate. Players […]

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Hello listeners! Dragon’s Demize is back to our old habits with a good old-fashioned review. This time, we’re reviewing Xia: Legends of a Drift System, and its expansion Embers of a Forsaken Star. Both games really live up to their space opera-inspired names. Xia is best described as a 3x game: Explore, Exploit, Exterminate. Players pilot their ships across the galaxy, filling in the blank edges and finding new planets to investigate. Gameplay is totally open ended. You can fight for dominance or establish yourself through trade. You can run missions to help the locals or just go it alone. Combine that with an elaborate advancement system and plenty of titles to claim, and you’ve got a truly massive space-faring experience.

We also take this opportunity to talk about What We’ve Been Playing! Greg finally tried out In the Name of Odin, and we go thoroughly wrecked by Dark Souls. Mystic Vale also gets a mention as one of our perennial favorites.

Thank you as always to O Abnormal and Agata Poniatowski for the artwork and Strangelette for the music. If you enjoyed this episode and would like to hear more from Dragon’s Demize, you can find us on Facebook, Google+, and Discord. We’re also on Twitter and Instagram if that’s more your speed. Finally, you can find all of our streams, vlogs, and other video content on Youtube or catch us live every Wednesday on Twitch.

The post Xia: Legends of a Drift System appeared first on Dragon's Demize.

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