Previous Episode: RPG Editions

Hello listeners! We’re reviewing an absolutely gorgeous game today: Azul! Azul has been getting a lot of attention, not just for its high-quality components and lovely patterns, but also for its solid gameplay. Players attempt to earn the most points by tiling their mosaic walls efficiently and effectively. The game requires some interested strategic considerations […]

The post Azul appeared first on Dragon's Demize.

Hello listeners! We’re reviewing an absolutely gorgeous game today: Azul! Azul has been getting a lot of attention, not just for its high-quality components and lovely patterns, but also for its solid gameplay. Players attempt to earn the most points by tiling their mosaic walls efficiently and effectively. The game requires some interested strategic considerations that we talk about in detail in our review. Don’t miss it!

We also discuss what we’ve been playing lately. The list isn’t long this week, but it does include an epic three-person game of X-Wing and our latest run of Pandemic Legacy: Season 2.

Thank you to Agata Poniatowski for the artwork and Strangelette for the music. For more information about Dragon’s Demize, or to let us know your ideas, check us out on FacebookDiscord, and Google+. We’re also on Twitter and Instagram if that’s more your speed. Finally, you can find all of our streams, vlogs, and other video content over on our Youtube channel or catch us live every Wednesday on Twitch.

The post Azul appeared first on Dragon's Demize.

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