Hosts Liamland & Plattym3 have the pleasure of talking with long-time DQX player/streamer/Dragon’s Den DQX team member: Nawaria!  We get to know her and her DQ fandom a bit before peppering her with dozens of questions that plenty of Western fans have always wanted to know about the series’ great unknown, Dragon Quest X.  Nawaria splendidly and spoiler-freely filled us in on all the action that we’ve been missing!

For more Nawaria, join her live on playing a multitude of games on Mondays and Tuesdays, and especially from 2-7 PST on Thursdays when she streams DQX. Can’t join live? She has literally hundreds of hours of past streams where she plays and translates DQX on her YouTube channel:

For more Liamland & Plattym3, hit us up @DQSlimeTime on Twitter or [email protected] or join in all the DQ discussions taking place at

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