This week, we’re returning to our discussion on archetypes in DQ games. For our second episode in the series, we’re focusing on the booniest of all boon companions...the best friend. The BFF. The bro. The chosen family. Basically...Beej and Austin.

But first, we have a brand-new Patreon patron to give a REAL NICE THANK YOU to...Matt Reibach!

What’s a best friend archetype?

Well, you gotta listen to know the full deal. But while it may sound like a side-kick...the boon companion, the BFF, the bestie is a lot more than that.

BFFs in DQ games

DQ - You’re solo. Your sword is your BFF. Without it, you die. With it, you die. But less so.

DQ 2 - Does prince of cannock count? After all, the coffin is always there for you.

DQ 3 - You make your own besties! 

DQ4 - Outside of your BFF in the village, the hero doesn’t really have one here. There isn’t really a party member that takes on that role. However, there are party members who fill that function for each other. Which is a nice twist.

DQ5 - Harry of course! He’s snot-nosed brat royalty who becomes a good guy. You even play as him a bit. There’s also Saber, because a man’s best friend is his sabercat. And then, like happens in real life, your wife becomes your best friend. And Sancho. I mean...Sancho. He's named after the booniest of boon companions, too.

DQ6 - Carver ALL the way. Let’s gooooooo!

DQ 7 - Keifer, plus a spoiler warning!

DQ 8 - Yangus, cor blimey!

DQ 9 - Stella? Oh god, I hope not. Ol' Fatguts?

DQ 10 - Ryan Molina is your best friend in DQX.

DQ 11 - Erik, the best bestie who ever bested a best

Shameless Self Promotion

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Announcing the Dragon Quest 7 Play-Along with Nerdberg Review
Austin’s new post on slimes - 

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