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The modern digital world allows us to be everywhere, at all times.

We get notifications every time something happens. We have a lot of accounts in a lot of different online shops and social platforms - and brands have the ability to be everywhere at the same time as well. So, we want to aim to achieve omnipresence with our brands and small businesses and keep up and take advantage of this to stay front of mind.

The perfect business example for omnipresence in marketing is Coca-Cola. They are everywhere at the same time, whether it’s a shop, bar, restaurant, vending machine, canteen, café, hotel or fast food chain. They also have TV commercials, billboards and are on every major social media platform.

Obviously this is not something you can do overnight, however there are a variety of things you can do as a small business and a small brand to expand your online presence step by step. In this episode, you’ll learn how to become omnipresent with branding, content creation and consistency.

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