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Value has become a buzzword in marketing. You hear all the time that you have to provide value for your audience and build a brand to make your small business more valuable. But how do you know the value of your business? How can you put a number on it?

Especially if you are trying to sell your business or are looking for financing, lenders, venture capital or other kinds of funding, you need to know what your small business, your brand or your idea for your startup business are worth.

In this episode, you’ll learn 3 approaches of how you can determine business value and brand value. (No knowledge in higher mathematics needed.)

Important takeaway: Marketing automation drives your business value up.

Here’s why:

When you as the business owner are strongly involved in a lot of tasks, your business is worth less for a potential buyer. If you are no longer there to handle critical pieces of the process, it’s a loss. For a potential buyer who wants to buy your business, this is a risk.

When you have a self-managing business on the other hand, that is automated to a high degree, there is much less risk. Having as many tasks as you can run on autopilot and handled by software instead of people, drives the value of your small business up.

Even if you are not looking to sell your small business at the moment, the principle is still true. That’s why thinking about leveraging automation is a smart thing to do.

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