For whom the 12 tolls! It tolls for you, BITCH. That's right, queeros & striaght-tinas, we’re watching Gay's Anatomy! Come on, QUAREN-QUEENS! Let’s avoid SICKNESS! We wail about the fifth ep w/ Mano Agapion & Nicole Byer! Listen in as ponder what evil that tiny wig is up to, pitch what new characters we would write into a hospital trauma, and FOR THE LAST TIME wonder why the bottom 2 is more over-produced than Dr Dre's The Chronic! Oh LERD, if only Madea could save us now. HUH?! Sorry, just the cabin fever talkin. PROPS TO YA, DWOTUR!

Submit your queen rankings on Apple Podcasts for a chance to be featured and interviewed on the pod! AND Submit your Season 12 entrance puns there too for a shout out!

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Be sure to rate Drag Her 5-stars on Apple Podcasts! Leave a review with the best drag names for a chance to have it read on-air.

Drag Her IG: dragherpodcast

Theme Song: Twinkids (@twinkidsmusic)

Art by Jack manion (@jackmanion)
