Oh No She Betta 12! That's right, queeros & striaght-tinas, Season 12 is gettin SO SO close and we cunt control ourselves! That's because we're meeting the queens w/ the AMAZING Big Dipper & Meatball from Sloppy Seconds! Listen in as we clock the new queens "grunge-adjacent" runways, their I-Am-American promo lewks, and kiki heartily all along the way! PROPS TO YA, DWOTUR! Plus, we play the oh-so-ICONIC "Where Do You PEG The Queens!"

Listen to Drag Her on Stitcher, download the app, or get more info at stitcherapp.com/dragher!

Sloppy Seconds is on Apple Podcasts & Wherever You Get Pods.

And make sure to join We Love Trash on Patreon!

Be sure to rate Drag Her 5-stars on Apple Podcasts! Leave a review with the best drag names for a chance to have it read on-air.

Drag Her IG: dragherpodcast

Theme Song: Twinkids (@twinkidsmusic)

Art by Jack manion (@jackmanion)