Vassallo venturing into the heart of darkness - Orlando; suggestible dizziness at the Magic Kingdom; Sony boo-hoo brewhaha; "Password123!"; de Blasio; Mister Christmas; Brettanomyces; digital minimalism; 2015 Cubs & Padres.

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DRAFTS – 011

Recorded: December 21, 2014

37min 43sec

Show Notes:

Vassallo can’t figure out how to silence cell-phone while recording
The “Frozen” addiction – in Welsh
Craft beer in The Adult Zone of Magic Kingdom?
Suggestible dizziness
Sony brewhaha
Obama: not an act of war
Using the word “cyber”
A bunker in Wisconsin
Cops turn their backs on de Blasio
de Blasio family honorary member of 15% –
Father Christmas vs. Mister Christmas
Gravity Forms
Welcoming brettanomyces into the home
Half-formed “digital minimalism” idea
Cubs sign Lester
San Diego Padres is a real-life Fantasy Team
Tabled: the new hipness of mindfulness
The Curve Catches-up

As always, music credit on opening & close via Francis Bebey’s “Black Tears” off African Guitar Box.