Draft Mechanic Episode #72: The RPG episode! Home-brew campaigns, one shots; Vinyl & Filler previews; Sunset Over Water; Homebrewing

Welcome, adventurer, to Episode 72 of Draft Mechanic! Today, we’re diving into RPGs in a few segments: Danielle’s D&D group discusses their GM’s home-brew campaign, we played Millennial Apartment Hunters, put Dungeons & Dragons on tap, and the Final Round we talk about other home-brew RPGs. We have two Kickstarter previews today: Filler from Green Couch Games and Vinyl from Talon Strikes Studios. Dive in!

01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

04:29 News: Kitchen Rush expansion

05:29 News: Race for the Galaxy expansions

09:32 Kickstarter Updates

11:31 Kickstarter: Fireball Island

12:46 Kickstarter: Graphic Novel Adventures

14:35 Kickstarter: Filler

22:47 Kickstarter: Vinyl

32:04 Recent Plays: Sunset Over Water

40:47 Recent Plays: Millennial Apartment Hunters

51:39 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

52:50 D&D Homebrew Case Study

87:38 On Tap: Dungeons & Dragons

91:11 Homebrewing

99:59 The Final Round: Homebrew RPGs

102:08 Outro

We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at [email protected] and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

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Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


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