Dr. Veronica Anderson, Host, Functional Medicine Specialist and Medical Intuitive interviews Tony Hornick on being healthy & active with 86
year old sprout grower.

Do you want to be healthy at 86 years old? Passionate about food and exercise Tony Hornick shares his secrets to a healthy lifestyle you can thrive on.

In this episodes, Tony talks about the importance of having sprouts in your diet including the nutritional value, and ways to grow effectively. He will also talk about his key exercise routine that kept him fit for decades. Listen to the end, for cheat meals that you can eat on your diet.


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Show Notes:

03:00 - Healing crippling issues

07:21 - Sprouts after birth

09:45 - Nutritional value

13:00 - Alternative detox systems

14:59 - Ballroom dancing

17:00 - The best things in life

17:28 - King Tut

18:18 - Enzymes, proteins & minerals

18:49 - Growing & planting

25:30 - Cheat meals


Dr. Veronica Anderson is an MD, Functional Medicine practitioner, Homeopath. and Medical Intuitive. As a national speaker and designer of the Functional Fix and Rejuvenation Journey programs, she helps people who feel like their doctors have failed them. She advocates science-based natural, holistic, and complementary treatments to address the root cause of disease. Dr. Veronica is a highly-sought guest on national television and syndicated radio and hosts her own radio show, Wellness for the REAL World, on FOX Sports 920 AM “the Jersey” on Mondays at 7:00 pm ET.

  To get started transforming your health, schedule a consult HERE.

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