Dr. Veronica Anderson, Host, Functional Medicine Specialist and Medical Intuitive interviews Wendy Darling on how to master love in your relationship.

Is your love life missing something? Recognized relationship and transformational change expert Wendy Darling helps others gently remove the internal mental and emotional barriers that have interfered and held them back, while repositioning them to close the gap to finally be living the life of their dreams.

In this episode, Wendy will share how she changed her life through methods like singing and meditation. She also talks about how to shift your health and attract love, common relationships issues and why you should speak out when problems arise. Listen to the end, for simple ways you can live a happier and more fulfilling relationship.


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Show Notes:

07:40 – Medical intuitive readings

09:15 – Wendy’s background

10:44 – Falling 25ft

12:40 – Learning meditation & Singing

15:03 – Shifting your health and attracting love

18:30 – Common relationship issues

21:00 – Simple exercises for couples

22:50 – 5 love languages

23:45 – Speaking out on problems



Dr. Veronica Anderson is an MD, Functional Medicine practitioner, Homeopath. and Medical Intuitive. As a national speaker and designer of the Functional Fix and Rejuvenation Journey programs, she helps people who feel like their doctors have failed them. She advocates science-based natural, holistic, and complementary treatments to address the root cause of disease. Dr. Veronica is a highly-sought guest on national television and syndicated radio and hosts her own radio show, Wellness for the REAL World, on FOX Sports 920 AM “the Jersey” on Mondays at 7:00 pm ET.

  To get started transforming your health, schedule a consult HERE.

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