Men will always have their bravado getting in the way of admitting that there’s something wrong with their body, especially if it involves their manhood. Author of Pelvic Pain: The Ultimate Cock Block Dr. Susie Gronski is saying that it’s time for this idealism to stop because male pelvic pain is real and there is no need to feel shy about it. Dr. Gronski educates her patients first about pain science to establish a comfortable level before she gets ‘down low.’ A discussion about male genitals is always awkward, but necessary so that even the patients themselves can navigate through the symptoms.

It’s great to be here with you where we talk about all things related to pain and natural pain relief. In the past on the podcast, I've talked about a niche topic, really a specialty topic that’s very important in the world of chronic pain and that’s pelvic pain. Oftentimes when we talk about pelvic pain, the first thing we think about is women’s health. That is of vital importance because there are millions of women who still are looking for help with their pelvic pain. However, there is an untold story in the world of pelvic health and that is men’s pelvic health. If you're a guy or if you are female who has a male counterpart, realize that the anatomy of the pelvic floor and the pelvis is very similar in males as it is in females except for that one or maybe three different pieces. I've gone really to the corners of the globe to find an expert who can talk to us about men’s pelvic health. I want to introduce you to Dr. Susie Gronski. She is a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, a board certified Pelvic Rehabilitation Practitioner.

In addition to knowing a lot about your private parts, she is also a Certified Health Coach. Simply put, she is a doctor for everything down there. Her passion is to make you feel comfortable about taboo subjects like sex and private parts. Social stigmas are not her thing. She provides real advice without the medical fluff, like a friend who knows the lowdown down there. Dr. Susie is an author of a wonderful book called Pelvic Pain: The Ultimate Cock Block and the creator of a unique Hands-On Training Program that helps men with pelvic pain become experts in treating their own pelvic pain and other problems. She is determined to make sure you know how you can get help for painful ejaculation, problems with your joystick, discomfort of pain during sex and how to control your pee. As a male, I can say they were all very important topics. All those without needing to be embarrassed, because oftentimes these could be topics that seem like they're taboo but they're often embarrassing to patients. They are real life problems that interact with your health. Whatever you want to call it, the penis, the shlong, a ding-dong, if you’ve got a problem down there, she is the person to get to know.

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