Back in June, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Physical Therapy NEXT Exposition Conference on the topic of nutrition and its implication for musculoskeletal pain. It was a lot of fun and I spoke to a sold out room of about 600 physical therapists who were excited and really impassioned about learning how they can integrate nutrition into their practice. I want to thank everyone who attended and provided such positive feedback to the APTA about my presentation and my talk. I’m forever grateful to you. As many of you have inquired via email and through my Facebook page, yes, I am a building a continue education course specifically on this topic. If you’re a physical therapist or a chiropractor or a physician or anyone else interested in learning more about how nutrition can impact and change the course of chronic pain, make sure to go the Integrative Pain Science Institute website, You can sign up for the mailing list there and stay connected to all that I have going on. I have a number of courses coming out on a variety different topics related to chronic pain. You can also go to my website at and click on the Practitioners tab in the top Menu.

While I was at the conference, I also brought along my podcast equipment and I had the opportunity to interview two great physical therapists on really important topics. The first one, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Lisa Saladin who is the Vice President of the American Physical Therapy Association. I spoke with Dr. Saladin about the societal issue of non-communicable diseases on a topic that really greatly interests me since nutrition can have such a dramatic impact on diseases such as diabetes and obesity. We covered which non-communicable diseases physical therapists can have the most opportunity to treat and change in the communities in which they live in practice, and the notion of chronic pain as a non-communicable disease and how much attention that either gets or does not get in our greater healthcare system. It was a great topic, I love talking to Dr. Saladin about this. It’s an interview I enjoyed very much. It’s great to see the physical therapy profession talking more about how we can play an active role in preventing and treating chronic disease. I want to thank Dr. Saladin for joining the podcast and of course, the APTA for setting this interview up.

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