We're discussing topics and beliefs associated with racial bias in pain management and physical therapy. It has been reported that medical students and residents hold false beliefs about the biological differences between blacks and whites. It demonstrates that these beliefs predict racial bias in pain perception and the management of effective pain care. My guest is physical therapist Michael Holder. Michael graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology and a Minor in Strength and Conditioning from the University of Delaware. He went on to earn his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Misericordia University in 2013. He works in outpatient sports and orthopedics. He holds certifications in Vestibular Rehabilitation, Functional Nutrition for Chronic Pain, and Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization.

In this episode, we discuss how pain is treated differently in the African-American community, who are more likely to receive pain medication, blacks or whites, pain myths and false beliefs that are still alive to this day, hurt pain and sustain pain in African-American and other people of color, challenges to accessing physical therapy and other vital health services necessary for the adequate care of pain in minorities and African-Americans. Finally, issues related to minorities and people of color in the profession of physical therapy. Let's meet Michael Holder and discuss pain and racial bias.

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