Thanks for joining me. For those of you that follow along each week, you know that I release a new one once every seven days, so once a week with COVID-19 and the amount of stress that we have been all under. I wanted to do a special episode with regard to healthy ways you can cope with stress during this pandemic. When you can access and learn some healthy coping strategies with regard to stress, it will make you the people you care about and your community is stronger. Stress during an infectious disease outbreak such as COVID-19 can include fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones, changes in your sleep or eating patterns, difficulty concentrating, a worsening of a chronic health condition, a worsening of a mental health condition. Finally, the increased use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Healthcare workers are under immense pressure amid the Coronavirus pandemic. They face shortages of protective equipment such as gloves and masks. They're pulling long shifts and they risk being infected by the virus.

Joining us is a licensed clinical social worker, Julie Hamilton. Julie has over 25 years of experience in the field of clinical social work, including supporting people living with anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. She's the Coordinator of Counseling, Health, and Wellbeing at the Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry, working with dental students as well as the faculty. She also serves as an Adjunct Instructor of Social Work at the University of Detroit Mercy. You'll learn how Julie has developed an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention for physicians, residents, nurses, and other medical personnel at the Henry Ford Health System. This includes a virtual support group that runs three times daily as well as a night shift, 1:00 AM support group to help those that are working overnight. I want to thank Julie for the work she's doing, supporting healthcare workers on the frontlines that are treating and helping them cope with the stressor at this time. I hope you enjoy this and learn from it. Please make sure to share it with your friends and family. Let's begin and let's meet Julie.

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