I hope you are well and safe wherever you are. We are a global community and I wanted to do an episode that could help you during the COVID-19 outbreak no matter where you are in the globe. Many healthcare professionals have been rapidly shifting to telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the shelter and home measures have been introduced and enforced, people with pain are looking for solutions since they can no longer attend in-person treatment for their pain. The potential for long-term isolation may have adverse effects on many living with persistent pain. Luckily in this day and age, we have eHealth and virtual measures where we can continue to provide care, treatment, and support for people living with pain.

I've been telling people that healthcare never closes and the treatment of pain should not stop. We have solutions to help people with pain. Here to speak to us about how to manage patients with pain during the COVID-19 outbreak using remote supported health service is Dr. Tonya Palermo. She is a Professor of Anesthesiology, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry at the University of Washington School of Medicine. She serves as the associate director for the Center for Child Health Behavior and Development or longstanding NIH-funded research program has focused on assessment and treatment of chronic pain in both children as well as adolescents.

She is specifically interested in cognitive-behavioral interventions and the delivery of psychological treatment via Telehealth and mHealth interventions for sleep disturbance, parent family factors, and the treatment of chronic pain. In this episode, you'll learn all about the public health considerations of COVID-19 for those living with persistent pain, the potential ramifications of not treating people with pain during the crisis, and finally, the research supporting delivery of pain care via telehealth. If you're a practitioner, make sure you download the free guide to this episode on Helpful Tips and Strategies to Implement Telehealth Into Your Practice. To download this free guide, all you have to do is text the word 176Download to the number 44222.

If you're on a computer, you can open up a new browser and type in the URL www.IntegrativePainScienceInstitute.com/176Download. If you're a practitioner, if you need a 100% HIPAA Compliant Telehealth platform, make sure to check out the Integrative Pain Science Institute's Professional Membership and Telehealth platform solution where we provide you with a Zoom telehealth platform. That's 100% HIPAA Compliant as well as all the training that you need to provide telehealth to your patients. I want to thank Dr. Tonya Palermo for joining us. We through this episode together because it's such an important topic. She'll talk about some of the research as well as an article that's coming out in The Journal of Pain. Let's begin and let's meet Dr. Palermo and talk about Telehealth for pain management. 


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