We are bringing awareness to the important topic of stigma and chronic pain. People living with chronic pain are often stigmatized in healthcare settings, although they are not alone. Patients with various medical conditions, those with mental illness, people who use substances, people living with HIV, refugees, immigrants, even patients with poorly controlled diabetes can all be subjected to stigma. Here to discuss stigma and chronic pain is Dr. Whitney Scott. Whitney completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She is a post-Doctoral fellow in the Health Psychology Section within the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College London. Her research focuses on psychosocial factors, including experiences of injustice and stigma related to functioning and quality of life in people with chronic pain.

Whitney also investigates psychological treatments such as acceptance and commitment therapy for people who live in chronic pain and she is finishing up a fellowship that developed and evaluated a version of an online act for people with HIV and neuropathic pain. This is an important topic for those living with chronic pain and for the practitioners who treat them. Whitney and I appreciate you tuning in and downloading this episode. If you want to continue the conversation, make sure to join The Integrative Pain Science Institute Community Facebook Page. You can find us at www.Facebook.com/groups/IPSICommunity. Let's meet Dr. Whitney Scott and learn about stigma and chronic pain.

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