Listen to 70 Future Now

Transcript of 70 Future Now

It’s Summertime and living is fun, unless you are on a deep space mission.  Turns out our kidneys are particularly sensitive to radiation in space, failing after only two years..oh no, what now? Any solutions? We think so!
Harvard Cryptoterrestrial GradAnd finally, top academics are suggesting to their brethren that now is the time to consider more expanded concepts of the alien presence.  Ideas like advanced reptilians living underground, staying invisible to the likes of us, transdimensional beings moving through space and time in unusual ways,  ships that enter the earth through volcanoes, the ‘other’ intermingling and living with us for generations, doing who knows what to our minds. Science Fiction or Fact? At least such ideas are now being considered more seriously, or at least sincerely. 

Time sensitive this week is a sacred whale cruise in the Monterey Bay, hosted by Michele Newman, a psychic, healer, shamanness, and player of the crystal bowls.  Mrs. Future (Sun) beautifully interviews Michele about this upcoming cruise (Saturday June 22), and if you feel it’s time to connect with Whales in this way, here’s an “Opportunity Knocks” card! :-)

Our big AI story this week is about applying the rigorous scientific methods used by SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (to investatigating and evaluating) the growing intelligence of the AIs. Not a perfect match, but lots of cross pollenation here!

And we end with callers, including “Master Now” who answers the question of the hour, “Which came first in the timeline, Love or Fun?”   Enjoy!!