Listen to 55 Future Now

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Lots happening in the AI universe this week, including Sun’s quite humorous report with examples of Google’s faux paus in the name of woke culture.  EMO by AliBaba is scary-good at taking any source image plus audio and making the image look like they are saying/singing the audio. This can bring to life any decent picture of a person, ressurecting dead friends and relatives, putting words in anyone’s mouth. EMO is not released yet, but should be out in time for fun shenanigans with the upcoming presidential election..We also discuss the law suit between Elon Musk and OpenAI, a big issue when it comes to the public being aware of what’s actually going on with the rise of AGI, Artifician General Intelligence.  Could that holy grail alread exist in the form of Q*, or perhaps even Sora, OpenAI’s formidable entery in the text to video arena? We discuss.  
Some great space news this week, including sonification of several interesting areas of interest in space, and a very cool interactive 3D map of the solar system, including the planets, moons, asteroids, space probes, and many earth satellites, all in real time! In the medical world we are excited to report of a blood test that works for some forms of dementia, such as Altzheimers.  Bobby shares a use of biographical video recording that helped his mother, when she was suffering from dementia, and discusses Methylene Blue, a long time compound that seems to stimulate the brain’s neurons by increasing mitochondrial function.  Enjoy!
NASA scanning The Cosmic Hand, supernova remants 1700 light years away.