Listen to Future News Now 11.14.23

Our local eVTOL company, Joby Aviation did a demo flight over NYC this last weekend, showing they are ready for primetime, taxi-ing passengers from the Big Apple to JFK airport in 7 minutes!  It’s a slow couple of weeks on Mars now, as the Sun blocks our communications with the Red Planet.  But our fleet of robotic craft have plenty to do while they wait for us to regain contact.  The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence organization just got a $200 million boost in their budgets from Franklin Antonio, co-founder of Qualcomm. NASA’s remote sensing tech for minerals is being tested at home via an sensor equipped modified U-2 spy plane, flying over America’s Southwest. They hope to find deposits of lithium, cobalt and nickel, vital for the electronics and battery industries. And it appears stem cell treatments can make a difference in preventing future heart attacks, the major cause of death in our country.. Enjoy our news segment! 

Joby Aviation demonstrates their eVTOL aircraft over Manhattan