Discover how Art Cures and Health Creates with Dr. Kay Hubbard, Naturopathic Physician practicing in Los Angeles, CA.  Dr. Hubbard's unique perspectives around art, healing, creativity and culture lay the foundation of her unique and inspiring practice, ArtKure.  ArtKure is a virtual practice where Dr. Hubbard facilitates healing as a guide, empowering patients to learn the art of self healing across the United States.  

Listen as Dr. Hubbard takes us on a ride through the art scenes of Chicago, LA and New York.  This road trip will make stops along the way at activism and meditation, and we'll even visit the Serenity Squad.  Dr. Hubbard's inspiring conversation with Dr. Carlie reveals her life's purpose, and her desire to support healers as a collective with her We in Wellness program.  

This episode of the Dr. Carlie podcast, just like Dr. Hubbard herself, is nothing less than inspiration embodied.  Dr. Kay Hubbard's insights around the healing qualities of art and the creative capacity of healing brings new life and a unique perspective to what it means to practice medicine.

You can learn more about Dr. Kay Hubbard, ND and request a consultation with her at and on Instagram @artkure.