Allan Lundell and Dr. Bruce engage in hot tub dialogue on healing humanity from its core traumas. Hear Dr. Bruce's newest practice and interest going way beyond ideas and flowing deep from his own heart.

Dr. Bruce and Al Lundell submerge together in the hot tub on Future Peak to record a new Tubcast. Levity Zone listeners get a first peek into a whole new practice Dr. Bruce has been immersed in for several years within a community called the Luminous Awareness Institute. In Luminous, skilled practitioners use powerful combinations of methods for healing various types of trauma which, for many of us, were "coded in" by experiences in childhood. As living conditions have improved worldwide, people are healthier and live longer than ever before. However, many suffer in a state of anxiety induced by destructive narratives that can lead to depression and dissociation. This situation seems to be rooted in a variety of character styles driven in party by these core traumas. Will science and the healing arts converge to discover how to rewrite our "psychological boot code" and heal humanity? Hear how this audacious possibility, perhaps the biggest story of our time, may hold the key to creating a beautiful and sustainable civilization. Credits: Dr. Future-Allan Lundell (recording and discussion), Dr. Bruce Damer (discussion and editing), Ryan Beck (music-ProgeNotes), [released 31 March 2018]]