Dr. Berkson interviews Dr. Veronique Desaulniers who specializes in guiding women through breast cancer. Up to 30% of cancers are not found by mammogram, but by self-palpation (do it yourself breast exams).

Dr. V—as she is respectfully known as—has a new product (Your Breast Friend) to help train women how to do effective and safe “self-breast exams”.

In this show you learn:

Current days statistics for breast cancer. For women with breast cancer, 89.7 percent survive for five years after diagnosis. This survival rate includes all women with breast cancer regardless of the stage or subtype The average 10-year survival rate is 83%. If the cancer is located only in the breast, the 5-year survival rate of women with breast cancer is 99%. Sixty-two percent (62%) of people with breast cancer are diagnosed with this stage. V’s personal journey with breast cancer twice. The Breast Cancer Conqueror movement The 7 Essentials System™ for healing and preventing Breast Cancer? How to do coffee enemas effectively. How to use and order frozen wheatgrass juice to put into the coffee enemas. Some quality immune boosting products. Why supplementing with both vitamin D and vitamin K is best. Your “Breast Friend Technology” so women can learn how to give themselves effective breast exams, which are the way both Dr. Berkson and Dr. Desaulniers discovered their cancers (just as this is the way many other women save their own lives, too)

Links for Dr. V, my breast friend, Wheatgrass and Biomat.



