Dr. Berkson interviews Lisa Tamati about the incredible story told in her new book, “Relentless,” of never giving up and healing from brain injury. Lisa’s mom had a stroke and aneurysm both within 3 days and was given a few weeks to live. But Lisa would not take “no” for an answer.

In ingenious manners, Lisa had her mother go on  hyperbaric oxygen treatments, nutrients and medications. All these boost brain function to return after devastating injury.

Lisa kindly put together a list for our show notes (thanks Lisa!) with all kinds of action-steps, nutrients and even off-label use of meds to help brain trauma patients:

Lisa feels that, “Everyone who has had a brain injury would benefit from:”

A sleep apnea assessment.  Hyperbaric oxygen tank treatments Exercise to increase BDNF, preferably high intensity interval training Get Pituitary gland checked - hormone production can be impaired by brain injury which can lead to many secondary problems  Brain exercises - challenging the brain all the time  Get thyroid checked as this can be affected  Infrared laser therapy - Photo biomodulation - go vielight.com use code Tamati at Checkout 10% discount on devices 

Brain Helpful Supplements:

N-Acetyl Cysteine acute dose 2 grams x 2  a day days 1 -4, days 5-7 1.5 gram x a day  Fish oil with higher EPA to DHA (must be of highest quality, many oxidize if not processed properly) Alternative to fish oil for omega 3 is spirulina (all around good omega supplement in high dosages (it’s a food not a supplement so can't overdo it ) the best on the market is energybits.com use code Lisa at checkout to get 20% off Chlorella also from energy bits MCT oil  (brain octane oil - Bulletproof  is probably the best) Curcumin for inflammation  Vitamin C for inflammation Vitamin D 5000 IU/day  Ashwagandha  Bacopa Monniere  N- Acetyl L-Tyrosine Coenzyme Q10  Citicholine  Aniracetam (drug but very well tolerated and used for over 6 decades with virtually no side effects) and piracetam Huperzine A  Gota Kola Panax Ginseng Alpha GPC (1200mg initially)  Acetyl L Carnitine  Cordyceps Mushroom Extract  Phosphatidylcholine  Good quality extra virgin Olive Oil (oleic acid) 

Here’s more cool Lisa Tamati stuff:

Playlist of all Lisa’s mums videos that accompany the book so people can come along the journey at different stages with us. https://www.lisatamati.com/page/playlist/

Video of her mom learning to swim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6tqbaEHDlc

Lisa’s podcast: "Pushing the Limits" 

Lisa’s Facebook is @lisatamati and Instagram @lisatamati 


Lisa’s books – available on her website at www.lisatamati.com

Relentless available on her website at www.lisatamati.com 

Running Hot

Running to Extremes

Online running training club.



Lisa’s Mental Toughness and Emotional Resilience course 



Lisa’s Epigenetics Testing Program 
