Kid Alert! Does Your Child Need An Entitlement Intervention? Especially before the holidays! Dr. Michael Wetter is a nationally recognized behavioral health expert who has written the new book that gives you all the answers about how you can raise kids that aren’t entitled and self-centered. 

Remember the song lyrics in the musical Bye Bye Birdie – “Kids, I don’t know what’s wrong with these kids today!” That’s seem true forever. Most generations bemoan these sentiments. But today, we really have a generation of parents intimidated by their children. And we have a generation of kids that want more and more while not seeming to ever get enough.

Kids are our future. If our kids are entitled and narcissistic this does not bode well for our culture and planet, let alone a harmonious family life.

This show is a fascinating narrative about how to address specific situations to be able to raise your child to appreciate your efforts and be a humble human being, rather than becoming a black hole of consumerism, wanting more and more and always more.

How to know if you kid needs an entitlement intervention?

If your daughter’s 10th birthday party cost more than your wedding! If your 4-year-old son starts shrieking if you don’t get him that toy car at the check-out! If your 16-year-old expects a new car for their birthday ! If when talking with adults, your kid comes up to you both, and you ignore the adult and address all your focus on your kid! If you put your spouse beneath your kid! If your kids keep wanting more and more yet they are becoming more anxious, depressed and unhappy, even when they get all they want.

With the holidays on the horizon, most parents worry about how many gifts are enough to give their children.

How do we say NO to all their requests - often demands - for presents?

Many of us can’t stop ourselves from ordering that one extra thing from the catalog.  BUT HE WANTED THAT!  SHE WAS COUNTING ON IT!

You will learn about in these contentious political times, to teach your kids agreeable ways to disagree?

You’ll hear how to guide your kids to isn’t performing well in school how can I talk to him/her without being angry or showing disappointment?

You’ll learn specific steps to get your kids to take better care of their things – toys, iPhones, and clothes.

You‘ll hear exact steps for your children to not take everything you provide for them for granted.

You will learn how to instill gratitude.

How to deal with constant interruptions.

Why your kid expects you to drop everything when they need you and what to do about it.

When your kids has trouble with a task, they walk away from it and sulk, you’ll learn to-dos.

And you will appreciate that, “Teaching your kids to succeed means first teaching them how to fail!”

Michael G. Wetter also the author of What Went Right: Reframe Your Thinking for a Happier Now. A nationally recognized behavioral health expert, Wetter is a diplomat and fellow of the American Psychotherapy Association and has served on the California State Licensing Board of Psychology.  In addition to his private practice, Dr. Wetter is on the clinical staff of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he has served as the Associate Director of Psychology at the Center for Weight Loss, as well as manager for General surgery, Plastic/Reconstructive surgery, and Bariatric surgery. He is a Clinical Instructor of Surgery at Cedars-Sinai, one of the only psychologists to receive such distinction.!/Michael-G-Wetter/9781616497170