Listening improves connection and success in personal, business and even political relationships.




The ability to “listen” creates more successful relationships in every aspect of life. But most of us have no idea of how to do it. Most of us do not listen with an intent to “understand”. Many of us merely listen with the intent to “reply”.


Enter Center Stage: Mike Carr


Mike has been lecturing, for decades, throughout the country on “listening” and leadership” for big industry, states associations and even in political realms. He has been a winning speaker many times over for Toast Master’s International. Along with Dr. Berkson, he is a member of “Where Laughing Really Matters” a unique toastmaster club focusing on comedy. 


A Critical Art


Listening is a critical art, not taught in schools and most homes. This is a time in history when we need to learn how to “listen” to each other better and authentically. Then, we can create more unity and humanitarian successes versus remaining polarized and more prone to chaos.


A good listener is developed through easy, exact steps. Once you know them you will be astonished as to why you never figured them out nor practiced them… up till now.


In this show you will learn:

The benefit of “silence” and how to use it. The art of “questioning”. How to listen as an active life tool of “connection”. How listening contributes toward being the best parent, partner, manager, or entrepreneur. How listening helps you be more “grounded” inside yourself. How blind spots “snag” you back or move your forward.


This show is a soothing yet enlightening conversation between colleagues. This easy-listening show holds simple answers to complex communications issues. You can use these steps instantaneously to create more wins and harmony within your own life and family.


Want to have Mike come and speak to your company, learning institution or business?

You can reach him here: