In today's show, Sellma Vllasi, NP and Dr. Berkson explore the gender differences in medicine:   - Which diseases women and men get more often and why.

- Why women are more prone to auto-immune diseases.

- Biases in treatment.

- Biases in insurance reimbursement.

- The conundrum of birth control with the burden on the woman, especially the fall-out of adverse side-effects of oral contraceptive.

You also learn how to stand up for yourself in medicine to get the best care you can.

Sellma Vllasi, NP works at the Wiseman Family Practice Clinic which specializes in functional medicine, natural answers for health problems, and is one of the top bioidentical hormone clinics in Austin, Texas. Dr. Berkson worked on premises at the Wiseman Clinic for 6 years and continues to share mutual patients.